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1. Hang your blanket on the wall using the provided 3M wall hooks.
2. Make sure you have good lighting using either daylight, room light, or lamps. Please watch the video below!
Make sure you're using standard white colored lamps which DO NOT have a yellowish glow to them.
If you buy lamps I recommend these lamps along with these daylight bulbs (this is cheapest lighting solution for a green screen if you don't have any lamps).
3. Let's download the Teleplay app!
iOS users: To download Teleplay 1.23.1 search for Teleplay in the App Store.
Android users: Search for Teleplay in the Google Play store.
Kindle Fire users: Search for Teleplay in the Amazon Appstore! On May 1, 2021 we released a major update!
4. In the app interface you'll notice 4 icons in top right hand corner:
this flips between the two cameras
adds sound when playing and recording video
lets you choose the background you want to use
5. If you're an iOS user, click in the icon. Then look for "Email". Enter your email address. Now all of the paid content will be unlocked.
Android and Kindle Fire users do not yet need to enter their email address to unlock content but that will change within the coming weeks.
6. In the top right hand corner of the interface click on the icon. Then, click on "Calibrate" button while the camera is facing your green screen. Your green screen is now calibrated!
If you have iOS you'll notice that if you click on "green screen" underneath icon you can make manually adjust the green screen settings.
6. Time to choose a background! Click on . There you will find backgrounds and foreground sorted by category.
7. You'll notice that each background has 3 subcategories: video preview, photo preview, and downloaded. The two preview subcategories let you browse and preview the different backgrounds. Just click on the thumbnail of each background to preview.
Here we are previewing the "Croatia" video background.
8. Once you see a preview you like, click on the download icon (either in top left hand corner or the download icon next to thumbnail) and the background will now appear on your green screen.
9. You'll notice that all downloaded backgrounds show up in "Downloaded".
10. The foregrounds work similarly to the backgrounds. Click on a foreground thumbnail to preview and download to use.
11. You can move each foreground and resize using pinch-to-zoom. You can remove each foreground by pressing and holding on the screen for 3 seconds. Once you do that an X will appear. Click on the X and the foreground will be removed.
10. You'll notice that the interface allows you to favorite backgrounds/foregrounds and to use backgrounds from your own tablet library.
11. If you want to add sound, click on . Make sure to download the music first before clicking the play button.
12. When you record your own voice audio with music, we suggest you silence the music so that, in your video recording, your voice is more audible relative to the music.
13. To remove the white navigation bar, swipe on it and it will collapse.
15. In iOS, if you tap the red record button a picture will be made. If you hold for about 2 seconds and then release a video will start recording.
In Android, tap the red record button and a video will start recording.
All content you create is saved on your device's library.
Tips for Videos
1. Click on "Your Photo/Video" to use any photo or video that's on your device's library as a background.
2. Make sure you have good lighting! 99% of the issues we've received in the past have been inadequate lighting on the green screen.
3. Make sure to check out the "Experiences" pack on iOS. Once you click on these in front of your green screen, they create automatic educational experiences.